
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
3rd June 2023
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe Wind Direction: NE Wind Stength: 14/18 Surf / Sea State: smooth and lumpy Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: sunny and warm Max Speed: 24.18 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 25.50 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Saturday 3rd June - Windsurf **** The Dip at Felixstowe - sunny and warm.
Fin - 24.18 knot max, 22.86 knot ave, 14.98 knot hour, 20.84 knot mile,
41.03 km., 11.57 knot alpha.
F2 282 Ride with Tushingham Thunderbird 6.5m and 36 fin.
After a lot of cloudy cool days here on the east coast it was great to have
wall to wall sunshine all day and this NE wind is never going to stop. I
have to pace myself so after two full-on days windsurfing I had yesterday
off to re-coup and get our van repaired, we had a lovely walk though. With
high water around midday, I was in no hurry to get down so had a lovely
relaxing morning doing my exercises in the garden before spending a very
pleasant hour or chatting with some old friends down the road getting home
around one, perfect timing to check out the conditions at The Dip with Mag
coming for her daily walk before Dan, Jay and the lovely Maeva arrived for
the afternoon. The tide was still fairly high but there was enough beach to
rig and launch easily, I had gone down with the intention of foiling but
the sea looked smooth and I had 20 mph winds on the gauge so set up my 6.5
once again, it is certainly getting a lot of use of late and got my 115 lt.
fin board out to give it try for a good hour to start the month. I set off
and thought I had made a mistake as for me it was marginal fin sailing
conditions gusting to 18 knots as the biggest sail I fin with these days is
6.5, to be honest I was a fraction under which are showed in todays speeds
but I did get going and in the end got a reasonable hour despite it being
fairly lumpy out to sea and sadly the wind always drops in the flattest
water near the beach but I had a really pleasant hour and a half getting
some OK mile speeds. I was joined on the water by Mark S finning with 6.6
and Paul S foiling with 5.6, I got some OK pics of them sailing together as
a huge container ship headed out, the conditions got better as usual as the
tide dropped but I decided to pack up as I am going again tomorrow so have
to pace myself:)
After a quick catch-up chat, it was time to head for home for a cuddle with
the lovely Maeva ? what a top day, so much better with the sun out:)
PS - Paul entertained us going for foiling duck gybes, get a few too:)
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